
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Anyone found guilty of human rights violation in Jammu and Kashmir will face law: Army

Once again indian army made people fool by saying they are punishing the army personals involved in human rights abuses in kashmir; while on other adge INDIAN Jammu & Kashmir PUBLIC SEFTY ACT 1978 provides indian army with a shield to do whatever they want , and for their sins law can never punish them. This is the extreme of hypocrisy, but still they insist they are providing justice to people. Here is the latest news statement on human rights abuses in Kashmir by indian army: 
Over 120 army men including 41 officers have been awarded "exemplary" punishment for committing human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir during the last 20 years.
Disclosing this in his message on the eve of Human Rights Day at Udhampur today, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C) of the Northern Command, Lt General Sanjiv Chachra, said that, "Of the 1,524 allegations of HR violations leveled during the past 20 years, 42 involving 124 army personnel were found true; following investigation into each of them by an independent and autonomous body."
The guilty including 41 army officers and 83 JCOs and other ranks were expeditiously tried by army courts and awarded "exemplary punishments ranging from dismissal from service without any service benefits to imprisonment, he added.
"There are a few ongoing cases which are being closely monitored, ensuring rule of law and proceedings as enunciated by the Army Act," the Northern Army commander said, adding that "anyone found guilty shall face the law." This amply demonstrates that all cases of alleged HR violations are thoroughly investigated and personnel found guilty promptly punished, he pointed out.
In his HR Day message, Lt General Chachra directed all the troops in Jammu Kashmir to ensure "zero human rights violations" during their counter terrorist operations. Pointing out that these operations require patience, maturity and restraint, he said, "I know the task is onerous, but I have faith in your abilities". "We must ensure at all times that the AWAAM (people) are not put to any inconvenience or harassment due to our actions" he said while reiterating Army's commitment of zero tolerance towards HR violations.
Pointing out that the Indian Army has one of the finest record for ensuring human rights, he said that the importance given to this valued quality is evident from the fact that an HR branch has been functional at the Army headquarters since March 1993. Such branches exist in formations up to Brigade and Sector level, he pointed out, adding that even a capsule course on the importance of respect for human rights is also conducted for troops undergoing pre-induction training at various battle schools.

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