Conflict comes with miseries and that is what makes people of the area suitable to be acted upon. No sooner some catastrophe hits an area there is a cluster of thoughts that are in the race to address the situation and usually a check is ignored. In exchange of promises we are made to lose everything we possess. That is where we see some big changes felt long after one can think of controlling it. The areas with uncertainty and chaos make the job easier for those who are just waiting to exploit the situation.
Kashmir is no exception. We are being acted upon to change the tide in a direction that is nowhere close to what has been attempted. In the stampede we fail to get a proper road map, fail to feel that we are being clandestinely taken on a different track and when we finally land in an alien land we feel the change we have travelled.
Kashmir has become hot bed for different thoughts and we feel some unwanted sympathizers suddenly surface and then we find them controlling a big lot available. Irony is that we accommodate and provide platform for one and all; whosoever wants to flirt with us, is welcome here. We receive everyone irrespective of their credentials and sans probe. Amongst us we have trust deficit, but for aliens we take their word as the final seal on the argument.
This is what exactly breeds fragmentation and mistrust amongst us eventually leading to confrontation. That is exactly where we are, fragmented not only on political lines but religious views as well. That makes the prospects worst as it is what leads to a bigger change if left unattended. What happened in Budgam is shocking the way girls were exploited by the conman, however the bigger problem is when we see the conman creating a different cult successfully. And in this context we find his supporters fighting for him despite all what he did being exposed. It is not appear to be the job of an illiterate man, but looks a well programmed set up that has been established in a professional way. We feel the change long after it is established as it is then visible enough to be felt. We don’t know what is going on in different parts of our society, if today it was established in Budgam, tomorrow it can surface from any corner of the state.
No one will love to live in a chaos except those who survive on disputes, but then disputes have reasons that shout for solution. It is usually here we chase a visible target and we are chased by the unseen. Our moves and gains if any are widely publicized; but the other side doesn’t publicize the real goal neither they make it public what actually they are working for. We don’t know the man approaching with a shoulder to rest on is in fact chopping our legs to make us dependent on his shoulder and let our self to be taken anywhere he is interested in. Hidden hands are working everywhere for effecting the change and they are usually felt long after the change. Unless the natives are too vigilant or those with hidden agendas go some stupid, you cannot trace the movement easily. Just for the exploitation of young girls we could trace a bigger agenda that has the disaster in store more than what looks.
We can’t escape our responsibility; those big organizations have to admit their failure here. Addressing the organized congregations is not that their job is done, but it is these issues that are to be followed to track them in the beginning and attend the damage after it has surfaced. The responsible persons in the ranks of different organizations have to seriously think about it. This is to be taken on priority to effectively put a check on these sorts of attempts. Whether it is agencies or a maniac behind what happened in Badgam, the fact is complacency by the society in general and the established religious organizations in particular can prove detrimental in future. A couple of years more to the conman of Badgam, it would have created havoc in the society.
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